Considered an integral part of the Canada Soccer Player Pathway (LTPD Stage 4), the Player Development Program (PDP) is defined by our National Association as the highest level of youth competition in our country. Available only to National Youth Club Licence holders, it will create a “best-on-best” Canada Soccer-aligned competition in our province.
As one of the inaugural recipients of the National Youth Club Licence, Edmonton Scottish United Soccer Club was excited to participate in the launch of the league in 2021.
The Alberta Youth Soccer League competition began play in 2021 with U14 and U15 age groups for both genders. Alberta Soccer has opted to launch one age group per year, until all age groups are onboarded in 2023. Each year, a new Under 14 group will be introduced to the league as the previous Under 14 group advances to the next age category.
The Alberta Youth Soccer League competition is “periodized” across a full calendar year, allowing for:
Scheduled breaks throughout the calendar year to avoid training overload,
Matches to be scheduled with adequate intervals between them, and
Planning and recovery time for clubs, coaches, players, and families.
Under 14 (Birth Year 2008), Under 15 (Birth Year 2007), and Under 16 (Birth Year 2006) Evaluation Schedule
• Training: Three Times Weekly, Date & Time TBA
• Match Play: TBD after consultation with Alberta Soccer
• Sport Science: Strength & Conditioning x 20 Sessions + 2 Fitness Tests
• Wearables: New Players: Full Training Kit & Sideline Apparel // Returning Players Training Kit (cost included in Program Fee)
• Program Payment Options: 2022 - 23 Fees TBD
Should you have any inquiries about the AYSL or PDP programming please contact Janine Helland.